Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -

Below you can view the list of frequently asked questions, just click on the question you want to hear answer on! is the first web platform designed to connect primarily Georgian-speaking residents of the United States. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of goods, services, accommodations, or acts of kindness within this community. operates as a classified ads directory website, allowing users to post and discover various listings within the Georgian-speaking community. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or exchange goods and services, provides a platform to connect with others.

You can post a wide range of listings on, including items for sale, services offered, accommodation options, and more. However, please note that explicit, nude, drug-related, violent, discriminatory, or any other unethical content is prohibited.

Transactions on are mainly facilitated by a third-party company, Stripe. We do not store users' payment information, ensuring a secure and reliable payment process.

While browsing listings is possible without an account, creating one offers additional benefits, such as the ability to post listings, save favorites, and manage your transactions more efficiently.

To post a listing, log in to your account and click on the "Post a Listing" button. Fill in the required details, including a clear title, description, category, and any relevant images. Review and submit your listing for others to see.

Log in to your account, go to "My Listings," and you'll find options to edit or delete your listings. Ensure your listings comply with our guidelines to avoid any issues.

You have the option to promote your listing right after you post the advertisement, or you can go to your listings page in your account, choose the listing you want to promote and click "Promote" button.

If you experience any technical issues or have general inquiries, please reach out to our support team at [email protected] or through our Contact Us page.

If you've forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. Follow the instructions sent to your registered email to reset your password securely.

Ensure that you're using the correct email and password combination. If the issue persists, use the "Forgot Password" option to reset your password. Contact our support team if problems persist.

Listings may take a short time to appear as they go through a review process. Ensure your listing complies with our guidelines. If it still doesn't show up, check for any notifications or contact our support for assistance.

When you are paying for your listings' promotion with wire transfer, expect to wait up to 24 hours until it will be manually reviewed and approved. If it doesn't appear after 24 hours, please give us as call at 908-248-2355.

Check your spam or junk folder to ensure our emails aren't being filtered. Add to your email contacts to improve deliverability. If issues persist, contact our support team.

Account actions are usually taken for violating our Terms of Use. Review the terms and guidelines to understand the reason. If you believe it's a mistake, contact our support team for clarification.